Pré-Reserva Xenogears Structure Arts Plastic Model Kits Ver mais largo

Xenogears Structure Arts Plastic Model Kits

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159,99 €



Xenogears Structure Arts

Plastic Model Kits 1/144 Vol. 2 23 cm

Model kits Xeno (Video Games Series)

Mais detalhes


The second volume of STRUCTURE ARTS, SQUARE ENIX's plastic model assembly kit featuring the Xenogears series, three Gears-Crescens, Renmazuo, and Xenogears-.

As with the previous lineup, Xenogears STRUCTURE ARTS have been designed at 1/144 scale and come with dedicated display stands, making it possible to reenact an even wider array of poses from the game

Crescens: Dedicated pedestal w/ connection parts
Renmazuo: Interchangeable hand pieces x 1 set, gun accessories x 2, dedicated pedestal w/ connection parts
Xenogears: Interchangeable hand pieces x 1 set, dedicated pedestal w/ connection parts

Material: Polystyrene/Nylon

Item Size:

- Crescens: 13 x 8 x 15 cm (79 pieces)
- Renmazuo: 7 x 6 x 12 cm (84 pieces)
- Xenogears: 17 x 16 x 22 cm (134 pieces)

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